Applying Through Clearing

I think we can all agree that this year has not turned out how any of us expected. However, even if you didn’t get the results that you were hoping for or if you didn’t manage to apply on time, hope is not lost as you can always try applying through ‘clearing’.

Clearing will match applicants to open university places. These places are available to anyone who has made a UCAS Undergraduate application and doesn’t currently hold any offers. Clearing usually runs from July to mid-September. To be eligible for clearing you have to have applied after the 30th of June, you cannot be holding any offers and your place cannot be confirmed after exam results are published.

Clearing can sometimes be misconstrued as the University courses that no one wants. However, this is not the case. There are so many reasons as to why spaces become available. It’s one of the best opportunities for those who have missed their chance for whatever reason, or decided on a different career path.

The best thing to do once you have found a course that you are interested in is to give the university a call to see if they still have open spaces. We wish you the best of luck!

Applying to clearing:

Sheffield Hallam University:

University of Sheffield:

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