I think we can officially say that it’s coming up to ‘that time of year’ again…cold dark nights, big coats, jumpers, heating on, extra blankets, hot chocolate, warm comfort food etc.
It can be harder to stick to a healthy diet and remain fit during the colder months, after all, there is often no need for a ‘beach body’ this time of year and it’s all too easy to let things slip. On one hand, it can be easy to eat the right kind of foods as it’s all Sunday dinners and homemade soup, but on the other hand, there’ll be chocolate, mince pies and festive goodies everywhere you go.
There will be some people who haven’t attended the gym all year now starting their exercise regimes as they don’t want to feel guilty about all the food they’ll be eating over winter, especially at Christmas. However, it’s important to stick to a regular workout routine and a good healthy diet ALL year round.
Below, are just a few ways that you can mix up your workout routine in winter without going off track.
Workout at home more often
If you’ve been out in the cold all day, it’s tempting to just want to come home and chill on the sofa with a hot chocolate. Motivation for the gym wears off at the end of the day… so, why not try working out at home?
It does have its advantages:
- You can do it in your ‘PJ’s’
- You can still binge watch your favourite TV programme
- No extra travel
- Get straight into a hot bubble bath afterwards
Even though your schedule is getting busier, don’t let the lack of spare time distract you from a workout. You don’t always have to do an hour a day, even a 30-minute mat work out or jog is enough, so don’t lose your motivation. You can even try the simple things such as parking further away from the doors, so you get a bit of extra walking done or taking the stairs rather than the lift.
Cook your own meals
We know it’s so easy to just order a takeaway, but you want to make sure that you are eating all the right foods so try a day of batch cooking and freeze it to heat up later in the week. Also, dig out the slow cooker so your food will be ready as soon as you get back in. Slow cookers are great in winter and make cooking so easy.
Be realistic
If you know that your days are about to get a lot busier, then don’t try and stick to the four- or five-days workout routine that you had time for over the summer. Yes, your health is important but don’t let it take over everything, it’s okay to slow down a little. Remember, you still have your Uni work and other tasks that need to be done first. Also, allow yourself a cheat meal every now and then. We all need a bit of comfort food at some point, just don’t overdo it.
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