Finding yourself at Uni can be a difficult process for some. You will meet a wide variety of students, all with different interests, hobbies and with a completely different mindset to you. You’ll also meet a lot of like-minded people too who you’ll share multiple interests with, regardless of your backgrounds.
In order to ‘find yourself’, you may also have to ‘lose yourself’. University is the time to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. However, don’t do anything you feel pressured to or really don’t want to do. Finding yourself can be a long process and you may get a little lost along the way. However, sometimes you must make mistakes in order to learn from them. As long as you discover what works for you, what you like and are interested in then you’re well and truly on your way to finding your true self.

Spare Time

Any spare time that you have, use it wisely. Try joining extracurricular clubs. You might want to try taking up a new sporting activity. If you don’t want to go alone, ask your friends to go with you. It might be something you all enjoy doing and it will help you to keep fit. If sports aren’t your thing then try taking up reading, writing or volunteering.

Don’t Waste Your Time

Life is too short to waste time on things you don’t enjoy. If you aren’t enjoying something, then just walk away. You should never feel pressured to do something you don’t want to do.

Keep an Open Mind

Try to keep an open mind about things. Don’t shut yourself off from people or new experiences when you might really enjoy the outcome. Give things, and people, a chance.

Focus on You

Obviously, we aren’t telling you to only think about yourself, but you should start doing more things that make you happy. Try setting yourself a target, for example, do 5 things each day that make you happy. Your Uni work should be a priority of course, so make sure you set ample time aside for that.

We hope that this blog has being helpful. If you need any help finding your student accommodation in Sheffield, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.