It can be easy to fall into a lazy routine when you’re not at university but there are productive ways to spend your downtime. Of course, your main focus needs to be to get the grades you want and graduate, but there is more to it than simply studies and lectures. University is also about making lifelong friends, experiencing new things, learning more about yourself and enjoying yourself. So, let’s take that downtime and turn it into something productive.

The number one way to occupy your time is to find a part-time job (if you haven’t already). Most universities are situated in cities so you should have no problem finding employment. With a part-time job, you will meet new friends, gain experience and earn extra money. So, it’s a win in all areas!

Get yourself out of your student accommodation and find a new hobby. Try to find a healthy balance between studying and downtime. By taking up a new hobby you’ll open yourself up to new experiences and the chance to do something you really love. When you’re at Uni, it can be difficult to find the time to do other things due to the amount of work but it’s important both mentally and physically to get out and experience new things. Even if you end up hating it then at least you know it’s not for you.

Exercising is a great way to spend your downtime. It might not be the most relaxing but at least you’re taking care of yourself. We understand how easy it is to forget about ‘you’ when your mind is on other things. You can make the wrong choices, eat unhealthy fast food and drink more alcohol which doesn’t do your body any good. Even if you only workout once or twice a week, it’s better than nothing. It’s also a great way to control stress levels. If you want to try something more relaxing, you could always take up a yoga class. It can seem like such an effort to get up and go to the gym but once you do, it will be worth it.

Your schedule can be really hectic at Uni, but you need to make time for yourself and also for your family and friends. Don’t work yourself so hard that you end up feeling down or unwell.

If you’re still searching for student accommodation in Sheffield, please contact us today.