Many people don’t realise the pressure you’re under when you’re at Uni, constantly worrying about when you have time for revision, fitting in lectures, part-time jobs etc. Not to mention pressure from family asking when you’ll be able to fit them in to your hectic schedule. So, below are a few tips on how to put yourself first, unwind and pull off a lazy day when you feel you need one.

  • Decide if you want company

If you’ve had enough of the outside world and want to have a day dedicated to yourself then go right ahead. But remember that many of your friends could use a day like this too so invite a couple of them round to your student accommodation if that doesn’t clash with what you want to do.

  • Wear your comfies!

Either stay in your PJ’s all day or get into something comfy. There aren’t many days that you’ll be able to do this, plus it will save on your washing. The best part of a lazy day is not having to impress anyone, so forget about the make-up and showering and leave that until the next day!

  • Food & Drinks

You won’t want to cook on a lazy day so prepare some snacks and drinks beforehand. When it comes to lunch and dinner, just order in a pizza or a Chinese if you have the funds.

  • Pick your spot for the day

Are you staying in bed or laying on the sofa? If you’ve opted for the sofa then don’t forget to drag your duvet along. If you’re staying in bed, make sure you bring your snacks and drinks with you.

  • Choose your films or favourite series

If you’re binge watching a series then you have your day sorted. But if you’ve gone the film route why not pick a theme? Are you wanting to watch Disney movies or maybe an action or romance film marathon? Or are you going to watch all the Harry Potter films from start to finish (if you can fit those in in one day)?

  • Keep away from your social media

I think that we can all agree it isn’t healthy to be on social media too long. You want to make this day all about you, so tune out from the modern world just for today, you might find you like it.

  • End your day right

As you’ll have been lounging around all day, end your day by having a nice hot bath. Have a break from the TV and take a book with you. When things aren’t always going the way you planned in your world, reading can be a great escape.

We hope that this blog has inspired you to take some time out for yourself occasionally.

If you have any questions about student accommodation or require help finding it then please contact us today.