Celebrating Dad on Father’s Day (Students Shoestring Edition)

Celebrating Dad on Father’s Day (Students Shoestring Edition) Have you remembered Father’s Day? If not, don’t worry, you haven’t missed it, it’s on Sunday the 16th of June. If you’ve been busy with studies and exams you may not have given too much thought about what to do so, in this blog we're going [...]

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Securing Your 2024/25 Student Accommodation

A major concern for students in Sheffield both new and returning is securing their student accommodation. It’s obviously better to have your accommodation organised and in place so you can enjoy a stress-free Summer. Most returning students have already secured their accommodation for 2024/25, realising that the quicker they start looking, the quicker they [...]

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Your 2024 Guide to Revising

We all know how difficult it is sometimes to find the motivation to revise and you might be doing everything to put it off, such as going out with friends, sleeping in, or catching up on a little TV. However, your focus right now needs to be your studies. So, to help you maintain [...]

Top Tips for a Cosy and Comfortable Student Space

Top Tips for a Cosy and Comfortable Student Space Being away in student accommodation can sometime feel far from home. But with a few creative tweaks and some budget-friendly solutions you can transform your room into a comfortable haven for studying and unwinding. Personalise Your Space: Add a touch of home: Photos of home and [...]

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Celebrating Mum on a Budget

Celebrating Mum on a Budget: Meaningful Mother's Day Ideas Without Breaking the Bank Mother's Day is a time to celebrate the incredible women who raised us, nurtured us, and continues to love us unconditionally. But showing your appreciation doesn't have to involve expensive gifts or extravagant outings. Here are some heartfelt and budget-friendly ideas [...]

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