What You Can Expect on Your First Day of University
New starts are always filled with excitement, but also anxiety, as the unknown can be daunting and scary. That is why we want to ease you into your university start by letting you know a little more information about your first day and week there.
Hopefully, having more information and being prepared for what to expect will allow you to have only excitement for your first day and calm and worries you may have.
It may sound obvious but before you attend your first day double check that you have enrolled. This should have been done around the same time you received your results. You should have received an email that you had to complete saying you accepted their offer and giving some key details.
Once you’re all set and ready to start your first day we recommend you take with you a pen, notebook, and a highlighter with you. This will allow you to take any notes you may need and highlight any valuable information. It will also make you look prepared which will leave a good impression with your tutors.
Your university will more than likely have many activities for you to attend during your first week, an email or letter should let you know times and locations for these, meaning you can plan your week around the activities you choose to take part in. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet people and make new friends.
Also, in your first week your university will need to get you set up with an email and your student card so be prepared for these. Make sure you read any emails you receive from them, so you have everything available when asked.
We hope this blog ‘What You Can Expect on Your First Day of University’ is helpful to you and you have enjoyed reading it. If you need any help with student accommodation in Sheffield, please do not hesitate to contact us.