We all know how hard it can be to motivate ourselves to revise, especially coming up to summer. You might be doing everything to put yourself off revising, like going to the pub with your friends or sleeping in, catching up on TV programs. But, your main focus right now, has to be your upcoming exams. So, to help you maintain a healthy and clear mind, we have created a guide to help you revise.
1. Create a Plan
You need to get yourself organised. Creating a plan or a to-do list is going to help you stick to your new schedule. Although, it might seem time consuming, it is worth doing as it will help you in the long run. Make your plan as detailed as possible, specifying what areas you are going to revise on a certain day and time.
As many of you may have part time jobs, it is important that you are working your revision around this. This doesn’t mean starting revision or heading off to the library after your late shift. Ensure that you have fit your revision in during the day.
2. What Method Works For You?
There are so many different ways that you can revise. What you need to do, is find the best way that works for you. Many people learn from reading the information and then writing it down. Whereas others use flashcards, old exam papers or looking back at notes.
There is nothing wrong with using a variety of methods if it’s going to work for you. The methods you use might depend on what it is your revising. For example, you might use flashcards to remember your facts and you might use past exam papers to help quiz your knowledge.
You’ll want to keep your revision interesting so you aren’t tempted to do other things, just make sure that you’re comfortable with the methods chosen. Using coloured pens will also help you retain information as well as spicing up your notes.
3. Take Regular Breaks
It’s so important to take a break every so often. When you’ve been focusing for too long, you can actually lose focus in the end which won’t be beneficial as you won’t retain any information. Giving yourself breaks will actually help the brain remember more information. However, it’s important not to get too distracted on your breaks. It won’t do you any good if you decide to watch TV for five minutes and an hour later you haven’t got back to your studies.
4. Healthy Living
It may not seem relevant to revision but, maintaining a healthy diet can help keep your mind positive. It’s important not to doubt your abilities during exam periods as it may effect your performance. It can seem like the easy option is to eat junk food as you can grab it while on he move. Before you start your revision, you could do bit of batch cooking, making sandwiches and wraps even fruit salads in advance. This way you’ll be allowing yourself a bit more time for your studies.
Exercising is so important during intense studying times. By doing more physical activities you’re increasing your heart rate, making blood circulate faster which gives the brain more oxygen and boost your productivity. Not only this but it also reduces tiredness and stress.
5. Get a Full Nights Sleep
Being a uni student and all, you’re probably used to staying up until daft o’clock. However, remember the whole point of uni is to get your degree and pass your exams. Getting a full night sleep is giving your brain a break from all the revision. You’ll also be able to wake up earlier, giving you more time in the day to revise.
Even though, it might be hard to get started and maintain it, just remember that it isn’t forever and as soon as your exams are done it’ll be summer. Then you’re free to do whatever you like until you start back!
Happy Revising!
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