Summing up your time at Uni can be a difficult one, you’ll have experienced more emotions throughout than you’ll know. But the part that you wished would hurry up suddenly becomes the part you start to dread which leads to the question… What will you do after university?
There are so many people that are in the same boat as you here. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. On the one hand, there are plenty of people you can talk to who can relate, but on the other hand, these could be people competing with for a job.

When you leave Uni, it can seem scary as it will be probably be the first time in your life you’ve been out of full-time education. But it doesn’t have to be. Below, we have listed a few different routes you can go after Uni.

Find a Job / Graduate Job

There’s no point telling you that finding a graduate job will be easy because it won’t. The competition is tough. Just think about the amount of people that have chosen your course and the amount of people that did the year before but chose to take a gap year. Then, think about all the different universities all over the world. As you can see, you have a lot of competition. So, when it comes to the applying and interviewing process, you must make yourself stand out.
One of the benefits to an apprenticeship that universities don’t have is the job security after it has finished. Your best bet when looking for jobs, would be to look for jobs that have progression routes so that you will be able to work your way up or have your position made permanent once your graduate placement is over. There are some companies out there that are willing to rotate you around different departments, so you get a good feel of all the different job roles.

Further Studies

If you feel like your time at university has ended too soon and that you have more to learn, you can always continue your studies by doing a postgraduate scheme. There are many careers out there that say it’s not necessary but if you have looked up on your chosen career and would find them beneficial then why not give it a go?


For many of you, this might seem ‘too cliché’ but after all your hard work is over, you deserve a break. This might be your only chance to get out and see more of the world before you find a job. If you don’t have the money to travel around the globe, then why not grab some of your friends and go on a road trip? Or, book a log cabin and have a long relaxing week away. You could even expand your work experience and volunteer at different places around the country.

Find an Internship

Internships have come a long way in a short time. There are unpaid internships out there which are still great, but some companies even offer paid internships which could be the better choice. Internships not only add to your experience within the industry but are a great way to get your foot in the door. As an intern, you will have to really show them what you’re capable of and make the best impression on everyone that works there.

We hope that this blog has been useful to you and whatever you decide to do after Uni wish you the best of luck. If you need help looking for student accommodation in Sheffield, then please contact us today.