How long ago does March seem now? Longer than six months, right? Surely, it’s not just me. Although this year has felt like a series of negatives, there has been a lot of ‘lockdown positives’ to come out of it. Let’s reflect back on this year and try to see the better side of things.

Everybody played a part…

Since lockdown was announced and we finally understood what the rules were around this, communities all came together to see everyone through. Everyone faced uncertainty about their jobs. Those who didn’t have a job applied for delivery jobs and other roles that companies were desperate for and helped out delivering food for the elderly. If anything, this year had been a great example of how communities come together in times of need.

Long Staycation…

For many of us, we’ve got to spend time with our families that we’ve never had before and will probably not get again when everyone starts going back to work. Whether it was work or uni, we have all had to adapt to working and learning online. Luckily for us, the modern-day life is built to cope with these situations. When we haven’t been working and studying, we have been able to do everything that we wouldn’t normally get the chance to unless on holiday. These things have been the simpler things in life such as reading, binge watching on Netflix, baking and learning new recipes. One of the best parts was… The weather. Most days it was just like been abroad with the heat.

Closer connections…

This whole year has really made what’s important come into focus. Taking care of people’s mental health has been a priority for many of us. While being inside has had its perks, it can start to take its toll when it’s harder to see the end of it. Whether it’s been a walk to their house to stand on the drive or a facetime call, we’ve managed to maintain some level of normality. Or at least create a new normal. It has really made us appreciate the smaller things in life and has shifted our priorities.

It is important to focus on as many lockdown positives as we can to help ourselves and those around us through these troubling times.

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