Tips For Revising
With the new year behind us and university work picking back up you may be worrying about how to best revise using the time you have. After having a break from work it can be hard getting back into the swing of things so here are some tips on using your time wisely that will hopefully also help motivate you to study.
After not having a strict time to get up in the mornings and chilling all day it can be daunting to start setting that alarm again, but by revising earlier in the day you can absorb more information. Also getting revision done as soon as possible will stop you from putting it off and worrying about it all day. Starting early means you can enjoy the rest of your day knowing you have been productive. You do not have to be up at 6am but by 9am is good.
If you struggle with fitting all your revision in and often feel overwhelmed, then why not create a detailed timetable? This will allow you to see what you need to get done and when for, allowing less time-wasting and more productive revision sessions. You could also create a timetable if you have a task you need to complete such as an essay. Whilst planning your timetable do not forget to add breaks as you do need time to do things you enjoy as well.
A great tip for when you are revising is to turn everything off, including your phone and TV, anything that will distract you. The time you take out for revision needs to be completely undistracted to ensure you get the most out of your time. If you are living with other students in your student accommodation, either revise together or go into a quiet room or the library to get away from any further distractions.
Ensure you have all the equipment you need to revise; you do not want to be halfway through your revision and have to stop to go grab something. Ensure you’re well stocked up with drinks, snacks, and stationery.
Work out which revision method works for you, some people find watching videos and taking notes works best for them, whilst some prefer using a textbook and flashcards. So, work out which one you prefer to ensure you are getting the most information you can.
Work through some past papers as this can give you an idea of how questions will be worded and the amount of information you need to complete them. Time yourself so you can get a feel for how long you take to complete the paper; this will improve your time management. If you are struggling to find any online ask your lecturers for some.
We hope this short blog has given you some ideas on how to revise and if you need any help with securing your student accommodation in Sheffield, please do not hesitate to contact us.