Have you had your brain food?
You might think that its far too early to be thinking about exam period coming up in January… But that’s only three months away? Are you really going to leave revision until the last minute again? Not this time!
We’ve blogged about revision techniques and how to ‘get in the right frame of mind’ for revision… But we haven’t spoken about how what you eat can affect your results.
Interesting Fact – It can be easy to binge out on take-aways and junk, because you can’t find the time to cook. However, did you know that junk food can shrink your brain’s learning capabilities? Studies have shown that people who tend to eat junk food don’t perform as well in tests. Junk food diets have been proven to reduce something called ‘neuroplasticity’. This is essential for us in order to learn new things at a faster rate.
Brain Food
Brain food includes a wide range of healthier foods that help the brain focus and retain information.
Fruit is one of the best categories of brain food there is. Eating blueberries and bananas are a couple of the best options. They are full of high anti-oxidants and protein to help focus/nourish your brain and increase concentration. Vegetables are also great brain food. Did you know that the darker colour of a vegetable means there are more nutrients in it? Spinach, for example, will be of more benefit to you than eating a salad will.
Smart Snacking
Smart snacking is when you think of snacks as more of a ‘mini meal’. It can help fill you up for longer, increasing your study time.
Eating three large meals a day can make you feel tired, slowing you down mentally and physically. So, when it comes to exam times, try to split your meals up so you’re eating more regularly throughout the day. Even if it means only eating half your dinner and warming the rest up later.
When snacking, you should include two or more food groups. Some examples are below:
- Peanuts and a glass of fruit juice
- Mixed salad greens and natural cheese
- Whole wheat crackers and cheese
- Trail mix that combines dried fruit, seeds and grains
- A smoothie bowl containing fresh fruit and nuts
Brain Food Shopping List:
- Rich fruits & vegetables like blueberries, citrus fruit and peppers
- Nuts of all kinds, especially walnuts
- Dark chocolate
- Salmon
- Healthy complex carbohydrates such as carrots, potatoes and oatmeal
- Avocados
- Eggs
- Green leafy vegetables
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil
- Naturally caffeinated drinks like green tea and coffee
Foods to Avoid
- Cookies, cakes, and muffins require added time and energy to digest
- Food high in refined sugar, such as chocolates, desserts, and sweets
- Food combinations such as protein and starch
- Carbohydrates such as rice or potatoes (in large quantities) can make you feel heavy and sleepy
We hope that this blog will help you focus for your exams!
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